This Privacy Notice outlines what data is collected and how it is used, disclosed, transferred, and/or stored by the company.

This notice is provided pursuant to Articles 13-14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 – hereinafter GDPR to those who interact with web services accessible electronically from the address:

This notice is subject to updates which will be promptly published on the Website.


The data controller of the data collected from this site is Ingenia Automation srl with its registered office at via Brandizzo, 438 – 10088 Volpiano (TO) VAT number 07384670019 email:


The Personal Data provided or acquired will be processed based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, and protection of confidentiality in compliance with current regulations.

The Controller processes the Users’ Personal Data by adopting appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or destruction of Personal Data.

The processing is carried out using IT and/or telematic tools, with organizational methods and logics strictly related to the purposes indicated. Among the Personal Data collected by this Website, either independently or through third parties, are: Cookies, Usage Data, Email, and Name. Other Personal Data collected may be indicated in other sections of this Privacy Policy or through information texts displayed simultaneously with the collection of the Data. Personal Data may be voluntarily entered by the User, or collected automatically during the use of this Website.


In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases, the Data may be accessible to:

a) categories of appointees, appropriately trained, involved in the organization of the Website (administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators);
b) external subjects (such as third-party technical service providers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) also appointed, if necessary, as Data Processors by the Data Controller pursuant to Article 28 GDPR. The updated list of Processors, if appointed, can always be requested from the Data Controller;
c) public or private entities that can access the Data in compliance with legal obligations;
d) subjects who perform accessory and instrumental tasks concerning the activity of the Data Controller;
e) external subjects such as partners in the organization of initiatives and events promoted and/or sponsored by the Data Controller, to whom the communication of the Data is necessary for organizational reasons;
f) with the User’s consent, the subjects indicated in point 5) lett. g) of this Privacy Policy.


The optional, explicit, and voluntary sending of emails, including through the Contact Form or the addresses indicated on this Website, involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other Personal Data included in the email. The User’s consent to provide the Data is necessary to be included in the Data Controller’s databases and for the establishment and correct performance of the services offered by the Data Controller to its Users, as well as to third parties for the fulfillment of the specific requested activity. Failure to provide it prevents, therefore, the registration in the Data Controller’s databases, the completion of any contracts, as well as their execution and any other activity. Therefore, the User’s failure to provide certain Personal Data may prevent this Website from providing its services. The User assumes responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties published or shared through this Website and guarantees to have the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Data Controller from any liability towards third parties.


Data is processed at the Data Controller’s operational headquarters. For more information, you can contact the Data Controller.


As expressly provided for by art. 5, co.1, lett. e) of the GDPR, Data is kept for the time necessary for the processing in relation to the performance of the requested service by the User, or required by the purposes described in this document.


– Personal Data collected for purposes related to the execution of a contract between the Data Controller and the User will be retained until the execution of such contract is completed;
– Data collected for purposes attributable to the legitimate interest of the Data Controller will be retained until the satisfaction of such interest. The User can obtain further information regarding the legitimate interest pursued by the Data Controller in the relevant sections of this document or by contacting the Data Controller;
– Data collected based on the User’s consent may be retained until such consent is revoked;
– Data collected for tax/administrative obligations will be retained for the time necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes and as provided for by law, and in any case, for a period not exceeding that dictated by civil legislation;
– Data may be retained by the Data Controller for a longer period in compliance with legal obligations or by order of an authority;

The User can always request the interruption of the processing or the deletion of Data not related to the execution of the contract.

At the end of the retention period, Personal Data will be deleted. Therefore, upon the expiration of this term, the right of access, deletion, rectification, and the right to data portability can no longer be exercised.


The User’s Data is collected to allow the Website to provide its services, as well as for the following purposes: Contacting the User, Managing addresses and sending email messages, interacting with external platforms, and statistics. In particular:

a) to fulfill any type of obligation contemplated and provided for by current laws, regulations, and commercial practices, especially in tax/fiscal matters;
b) to follow up on specific requests addressed to the Data Controller by the User through the Website and its communication tools (Contact Form, information request forms, etc.);
c) for informational communications related to the services of the Data Controller, following a request for information via email or filling out the Contact Form and other communication tools;
d) for other ancillary or related purposes to those indicated above and in any case within the scope of the Website’s activities;
e) for sending information and promotional and commercial offers;
f) for profiling activities for marketing purposes;
g) for the transfer of Data to companies and/or third parties with whom the Data Controller collaborates or has entered into agreements, who may use the Interested Party’s Data to send communications and/or informational material related to events they organize or services they provide;

The types of Personal Data used for each purpose are indicated in the specific sections of this document.

For the purposes of point a) the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract to which the interested party is a party, for the execution of pre-contractual measures, or to fulfill a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject.

For the purposes of points b), c), d) the processing is optional, however, the failure to provide one or more data will make it impossible to respond to your request for information and to use the services offered by the Data Controller.

For the purposes of points e), f), g) the processing is based on the freely expressed consent of the interested party.



The User’s Personal Data may be used for the defense by the Data Controller in court or in the stages leading to its possible establishment, from abuses in the use of the same or related services by the User. The User declares to be aware that the Data Controller may be required to disclose Data upon request of public authorities.


The provision of navigation data by Users, for the purposes mentioned above, depends on the degree of privacy that the User has enabled or disabled through their browser. In some cases, disabling it could affect the navigation on this Website. For certain modules of this Website, the provision of navigation data and/or the use of technical cookies is mandatory for the proper functioning of the site itself. Providing some of your data is in any case necessary for the structure of the Website and its procedures. Specifically, by way of example:

• for sending messages through the Contact Form, the minimum required data are mandatory;

Otherwise, the procedure cannot be completed.

The possible request for other optional Data will be preceded by a specific approval check. Providing all other Data is optional, depending on the type of information the User wants to provide to the Website.


The interested party has the right to exercise the faculties provided for in Articles 7, 15-22 of Regulation (EU) 679/2016.

In particular, they have the right to withdraw their consent at any time and, by simple request to the Data Controller,